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Shipping Labels (Multiple/Single Order)

ESC's mulitple/single order shipping labels accomodate all the information you should need for clearly marking your delivered cartons as well as expediting your customer's receiving process with bar coded sales order, purchase order and part numbers. This solution also gives you the following options which do not exist in the single order version:

  • Multiple packaged Orders
    This option is used for shipping boxes that contain items from multiple orders. Every item or item bundle will be individually labeled. The system will calculate the number of item labels required by dividing the shipping quantity by the package quantity in MBS101.
  • Single packaged Orders
    This option is used for shipping boxes that contain only items from a single order. A single item label can be placed on the outside of the shipping box. The system will print a single label for each item on the order.
  • Manual Print of labels
    This option will allow the user to print a single line from an order and specify the box quantity of the item and the number of labels required. To be used in the case of required overrides or missing / damaged labels.

If you are interested in learning more about this label program email us at sales@esc-online.com or call us at (267) 688-2630

Move your mouse over the image below for a complete explanation of fields.

Shipping Quantity from open order detail Distributor Order Number Pack quantity dependent on program selections Item description from the open order detail Barcoded item number from the open order detail or customer part number if available Barcoded customer purchase order from the open order header Customer delivery address taken from the open order header Distributor name and address from the 999001 record of MBS100